Injection of Insulin and Correct Administration

Drawing up insulin from the vials

1- Clean the top of the insulin bottle with industrial methylated
2- Draw air into the syringe to the number of units of insulin
required and inject this into the insulin bottle.
3 -Draw the required dose of insulin into the syringe, and
before withdrawing the needle from the insulin bottle, expel
the air bubble if one has formed.

If clear and cloudy insulins are to be mixed:
1)Inject the correct number of units of air first into the cloudy
insulin bottle.
2) Withdraw the needle from the cloudy bottle.
3) Inject the air into the clear bottle, and withdraw the insulin
into the syringe.
4) Finally, insert the needle into the cloudy bottle and withdraw
the insulin.

Injecting insulin
1 )The skin needs to be clean, but application of spirit, which
hardens the skin, is not necessary.
2) Stretching the skin at the injection site is the best way to
obtain a painless injection; in thin people it may be necessary
to pinch the skin between thumb and forefinger of the hand.
3) The needle should be inserted briskly at 90 degrees to the
skin, to its whole length.
4) Inject the insulin by depressing the plunger.
5 )Withdraw the needle briskly

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